Case Study

3 DaysofDesign 2023

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During 3 Days of Design 2023, Kristina Dam Studio presented "Sculptural Minimalism" at the historic Højbro Plads. Hosted by The Vintage Bar, the exhibition showcased original designs and sculptures in a setting where history met modern artistry.

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At the historic corner building on Højbro Plads in central Copenhagen, constructed in 1798, Kristina Dam Studio hosted its annual exhibitionduring 3 Days of Design in 2023.

This iconic venue, The Vintage Bar,known for its premium and luxuryfashion, provided a stunning backdropfor the event. The exhibition showcased Kristina Dam’s latest designs and original sculptures, offering visitors amulti-sensory experience steeped in history and contemporary artistry.

With ’Sculptural Minimalism’ as the overarching theme, the exhibition comprised a series of rooms, each offering a unique interpretation of the theme and atmosphere. The sculptures and installations were carefully tailored to the space.

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